SJB Memorials & Grave Care is a family run business with over 20 years' experience of memorial masonry.
Memorials & Headstones
We support families in finding the perfect tribute to their loved ones.
We operate through a combination of online services, retail and personal home visits. We strive ourselves on our service being first class and suits all our customer’s needs. We take a great sense of pride in the services we offer and completely understand how difficult this can be. We aim to guide you and your family through the process of choosing the perfect memorial for your loved ones. We have a comprehensive range of memorials however wanting something bespoke or a renovation of an original headstone is something we can always offer.
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A selection of our headstones and memorials
Why Choose Us
We’re a trusted provider of high quality headstones and memorials throughout the North West.
Qualified experts
Skilled artisans and craftsmen work, experienced in their craft work on every headstone and memorial.
Flexible schedule
We'll complete the work around your schedule, meaning one less thing you need to think about in your time of mourning.
Workmanship quality
With unparalleled finishing and precision cutting and carving, our workmanship is first class.
Affordable packages
We have headstones and memorials for every budget, with no compromise on the quality materials we use or the fine we design work we apply.
Quality professionals
The team at SJB memorials are experienced memorial and headstone designers and craftsmen.
Special offers
We offer bundled packages and selected discounts to emergency workers - Talk to us to discuss your requirements.
A selection of testimonials...
Get a free estimate
Explore our extensive selection of headstone and memorial services we offer. Request a complimentary quote with a detailed breakdown of every item, allowing you to have a clear understanding of the exact services included in your package.